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The Lockdown Diary - DAY 68

Posted 31st May 2020 at 12:25 by Cormack
Saturday, and although brownies are a weekend thing, apparently I get abuse from the non-participants if we don't make them today.

We're missing a vital ingredient (which Mrs C is finding difficult to find) but I'm supposed to jury-rig a version? Oh no, not on. We have a guaranteed source for Day 69 (prepare for Bryan Adams, given the weather).

Put up a paddling pool which took surprisingly long to inflate (you only inflate the top rim) and a week to fill and wrenched...
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The Lockdown Diary - DAY 67

Posted 30th May 2020 at 15:59 by Cormack
Day 67, and just to disabuse everyone of the notion that the 70s were a perfect decade, here's Driver 67 and Car 67, which would indicate they put all their hopes in one recording basket.

And yet got it released. Brummie control inserts as well. And got to the top 10 when you had to actually sell more than a busful.

Suggested (...) listening - Driver 67, Car 67

Sat in the back room, hooked up the second screen and got a bit...
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Ever Present 1973/74
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The Lockdown Diary - DAY 66

Posted 29th May 2020 at 18:05 by Cormack
A bit of 70s timeslip today as the earth in the garden has developed a fissure in it fully a quarter of an inch minimum wide through the ongoing dryness, and in more than one place.

There is nowhere within visiting range (so the driveway) for tar bubbles so I can't point you towards them.

Made an onion loaf and will pick my way through it over the next couple of days

Recommended listening - Dr. Hook, The Ballad of Lucy Jordon

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The Lockdown Diary - DAY 65

Posted 28th May 2020 at 19:13 by Cormack
Another day of sun and a stint in the garden with the Castel di Sangro tale. Ideally-lengthed chapters for an acceptable amount of exposure to the sun, the risk is obviously in staying out too long for me - I could be the shielder who's unlucky enough to get sunstroke.

Consequently, I go out later in the day when the sun's lower. Not soft, me...

Mrs C picked up my drugs and fulminated at the repeated saga that it seems to be. She also bought me some Daim minis, which...
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The Lockdown Diary - DAY 64

Posted 27th May 2020 at 20:26 by Cormack
A tough one today, Mrs C still feeling a bit off and I wasn't great either, everything done in easy stages. Kids are on half term so are being teens actually off school, and so my duties are down to feed and water. They are good kids.

Prescription overdue and if it weren't for it being put straight to the pharmacy I'd consider driving up to Barnard Castle to pick it up.

Recommended listening - Soup Dragons, I'm Free

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