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The Lockdown Diary - DAY 37

Posted 30th April 2020 at 19:59 by Cormack
More of the same Wednesday. Still wondering what is the difference between 'toast' and 'Solihull toast', and how many slices has that bloke made now? I must see half a loaf's worth every day.

There are other foods. You're not Mike Gayle.

No tune today, feeling a bit achy, not in shape for a wobble around the kitchen. I was otherwise turned by homework into a chemist at the Somme. Daughter now isn't overly enamoured with Douggie Haig. With good reason.
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Ever Present 1973/74
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The Lockdown Diary - DAY 36

Posted 29th April 2020 at 17:05 by Cormack
As the seal is well and truly broken on Week Six, we had a social dial-in at work which was a tidy way to spend an hour - we're not a bad bunch and we don't go for artificial fun (Mrs C was on one where they had a books quiz, which she'd hate and refused any further such nonsense, but which I'd shut down first crack by hogging the answers...) so it was a pleasant round table where all that was missing was a few scoops.

Scratch lasagne (both a meat and a veggie) for tea which I don't...
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Ever Present 1973/74
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The Lockdown Diary - DAY 35

Posted 28th April 2020 at 17:48 by Cormack
An uneventful Monday, albeit with glorious sunshine again for large hunks of it. Sands shifted in work again, but no problems, just a few rearranged priorities. A good day for homework, science that I knew and numbers that play to my inner and surface geek.

Brother did turn up and the fact that my hair is far, far shorter than his is a source of some amusement for us all, but I suppose you have to be there... The bike he has is tidy, just what he needs for what he wants to do during...
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Ever Present 1973/74
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The Lockdown Diary - DAY 34

Posted 27th April 2020 at 20:51 by Cormack
Very late on the Sunday update but there was very little going on. Had a substantial late afternoon kip which meant a really late scran but as it was a burger night, no biggie

Listened to a bit of Colin Hay while on KP

Recommended listening - Colin Hay, Waiting For My Real Life To Begin

which is a bit of overkill (...) for current times but I love it, my blog, my indulgence.

My brother has bought a bike and will...
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Ever Present 1973/74
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The Lockdown Diary - DAY 33

Posted 26th April 2020 at 06:17 by Cormack
The weekend as it is means brownies. No biscuits this week (Mrs C and daughter will be making a cookies packet mix for ease of collaboration) but my daughter was leading with an urgency which isn't usually there. However, this week she had put in to make Nutella brownies and was intrigued by the prospect. Came out as they should once again, subtle hazlenut in there and decent.

The other kitchen event was the field stripping of the deep fat fryer. Mundane as that sounds, it means...
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