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The Lockdown Diary - DAY 98

Posted 30th June 2020 at 18:02 by Cormack
The end of week fourteen. A bit of 'me only' stuff first.

I've had my discharge papers of Robber Jenrick and "hi, I'm Matt", end of July for now but that to me means the end of the start and nothing else.

After October where I dropped the biologic, on Friday last (#95, ML, #95) I was told to immediately drop the immunosuppressant. I am, for all intents and purposes, flying solo for Crohn's on a tablet that is a long time out of standard use. Follow up calprotectin...
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The Lockdown Diary - DAY 97

Posted 29th June 2020 at 22:31 by Cormack
Cookie Sunday today. They never last long, they go even quicker than the brownies. Another day for the vegging, watched a bit of racing and I availed myself of a Scrubs marathon as I went about my business at my own pace.

Mum is settled on the ward and the iPhone we got to her is both drained and beyond her (I am her son for certain...) but we'll get a more accessible phone to her on #98. Might get a bit more sense in play then - my brother isn't the Sabatier of the listening utensils......
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Ever Present 1973/74
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The Lockdown Diary - DAY 96

Posted 28th June 2020 at 16:43 by Cormack
Quiet Saturday, changeable weather, comfortable eating, pan of brownies back to form and sport on the box.

Mum is settled in hospital waiting for swelling to go down so they can go in and it's been a fraught couple of days all things being equal. Weekend wards are of course quiet places even when non-virus-restricted

Gave my shoulder a wrench with a cupboard door when it's still giving me merry hell and it nearly drew...

Recommended listening - The Stranglers,...
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Ever Present 1973/74
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The Lockdown Diary - DAY 95

Posted 27th June 2020 at 10:14 by Cormack
Mum was moved from one hospital to another. She requested three things we are allowed to provide - nighties, her glasses and 'pay the phone bill' so you can consider she is at least mentally dealing from the top of the deck. Ankle is swollen and they can't go at it until it comes down a bit which is likely to be next week. We have a phone to her now as well. The grounds at Broadgreen are eerily quiet unlike the heaving body of people movement and parking it is usually. By being moved,...
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The Lockdown Diary - DAY 94

Posted 26th June 2020 at 01:47 by Cormack
Mum was kept in overnight, she had a cast put on and they're going to have to pin her ankle when/if they can get by the swelling - if it's 'when', it's next week, if it's 'if', it's Friday, #95. She's getting from A to B with assistance so can access facilities on her own and it was a coin flip that they'd send her home to come back next week for a review and surgery. She is her normal self "upstairs", though, and gregarious enough, so it looks a lot better than it did for a few seconds...
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