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The Lockdown Diary - DAY 103

Posted 5th July 2020 at 12:11 by Cormack
A day of limited drama in store which I managed to ramp up. Mum has the phone working and chargeable and is doing pretty well. Fingers crossed for a move so she can get her own gear delivered, but at the same time she's naturally gregarious and comfy where she is if it has to be so.

The pubs opened and the Wetherspoon's in Old Swan was packed, I assume with people who miss low grade beef and catering chips. We passed by say 50 yards away in the car and I wish I'd worn a mask...

Pubs around the area have been opening and serving out the side for a shade over a week but the glaring change was that "Saturday" actually meant "Friday afternoon" as everywhere opened somewhat sooner. Can't understand how so many people were itching to get out for a pint when pubs have been closing hand over fist for years. Mrs C and I bought a pack of stubbies when out the other night, basically a crisp 'cooking lager' for to drink while having some eats and watching a bit of Saturday night telly. I did big sandwiches (pastrami, peppers, onion, mustard mayonnaise on seeded sourdough, Mrs C declared it 'the biggest sandwich you've had in months') for earlier and a easy but pretty fair Hunter's Chicken later on. Son had a supplementary net mid-afternoon where he put another layer on his ongoing progress.

So what drama did I ramp up? Well, remember I'd ordered spatulas/spatulae and a mandolin(e)? They arrived on #102 but I did nothing with them as they needed a pre-use rinse and I had no cause to use them. Last night I did. Spatulas for cookies, mandoline for thin slicing. Well, I contrived (still don't know how even now, tiredness must have played a part as I was not long out of a nap) to shear into the top of my right ring finger. Cleaned it and superglued it and now rinsing and repeating when necessary, but I was bleeding like a stuck pig. Fortunately, I had the means to stick this pig back together. It's fine now, the healing begins.

The less said about the Oaks and Derby the better.

Recommended listening - Thin Lizzy, Whisk(e)y in the Jar

Stay well
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