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The Lockdown Diary - DAY 11

Posted 3rd April 2020 at 23:51 by Cormack
No text today from the NHS. Amusingly, GOV.UK have texted me with the same content that the NHS sent me at the start of this blog but with an added bit that the government would like me to fill in a survey to see if I need help.

Yeah, won't be doing that. I'll deal with my NHS texts but given you're twelve days or so behind the game, government, and more pointedly, six days after the arrival of my letter, your help is a bit late in coming. Custer mean anything to you, Sparky? Relative in ICU has been induced into a coma which again sounds horrible but given the option, you'd have to take it.

Went out the back with the dog today - sun was out and it might only be ten yards in the garden, but small victories and all that. Dial-in today was the Norman Collier Summer Special since we've had his Christmas Extravaganza. Amazing that some careers in reality TV require no talent at all whereas Norman made a career out of 'Chicken', 'Microphone' and 'Car Door'. I wonder who inherited the car door...?

Last night I made quite monumental burgers and watched my youngest dive into hers while still standing and in her hurry to devour it, she had the run-off running through her hands and splashing her feet. I'm like my folks in that aspect and my old man in particular - he loved to see a good eater and he'd have mentioned how she "took the pattern off the plate" in getting up all the salt and fats on it. Definitely my daughter, albeit a far more lithe specimen - she has been on the trampoline regularly in the absence of her swims and other sports.

Got a slot at Iceland earlier, another small victory, and I'll give them and in particular, their staff a hat tip as well because they now deliver from 6am to 11pm. That's a long day's graft, what with volumes, shift handovers, hands to the pump and everything.

Had a fair day today otherwise, things went largely to plan, a couple of laughs about the house and my eldest came and sat with me while we knocked about some chemistry problems. Dipped in and out of my own work and got a good bit done.

Anyone know why I have nothing showing on the diary on here on 31/03? Curious, that's all. Beer and seafood now, stay well.
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