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The Lockdown Diary - DAY 18

Posted 10th April 2020 at 19:52 by Cormack
Good Friday today, the day Jesus wore his Corona of many thorns and went into ICU for three days, or was it two? The all-weather finals would have been today, it was what Jesus would have wanted...

The one day of superstition I follow and I don't eat any of the meat in the house that transmogrified into carpenter flesh at midnight and changes back later at the same time, so I've made a fish pie that frankly, is immense in oh so many ways. Mrs C has cut the front grass, the dog escaped down the road and refused to come back on our terms but was finally seized by my youngest - I of course can't go beyond the exercise yard... Mrs C is now having a well-earned rest, the grass was in dire need of assault and quarter of an hour after she winds up, the rain starts to trickle down. Lucky.

No text, brother is having a day on the couch after lugging the shopping equivalent of a full bergen about yesterday as his exercise stint and his builder's back has kicked in, and we've not heard anything about Mrs C's relative.

Who is 'Marcus on the floor' in that Tesco ad?

Stay well
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Surprised it's nine days since my last comment, time flies etc.

Mind you, I've not really got anything to say other than to let you know I'm reading it every day.

Strange how some of the Northern sayings of your parents/grandparents are exactly the same word-for-word as some of ours, especially as they wouldn't have got them from any mass media, but just spread by word-of-mouth.

I love Fish Pie, about time I got the Mrs to make me one.

No news hopefully good news regarding Family Member.

Keep keeping on.
Posted 11th April 2020 at 12:01 by Mister Logic Mister Logic is online now
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The fish pie is big enough for three bloody good goes, ML, and I've got one left.

I'm keeping myself occupied, what can I say? I'm surprised at how comfortably (barring Day 7 blips) I'm settling into this routine. It's not great but by switching focus often, I stave off the madness

The universality of some terms from pre-travel days is a shade bizarre, but at the same time, there's enough 'local only' to not be suspicious. Mum pondered on Friday whether Judas had a burning - my old man had a strong memory of it but of course, in lockdown, there'd be no crucifixion, never mind Judas burning...
Posted 12th April 2020 at 08:40 by Cormack Cormack is offline
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