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The Lockdown Diary - DAY 5

Posted 28th March 2020 at 21:02 by Cormack
The weekend. No early run to the butcher's and no listening to Betting Shop Bob and how this stick he's holding would have been better grasped by the other end. Mixed bag...

Text, 10.14a.m., 28/03/20

NHS Coronavirus Service: How will you make the most of your time each day? Try reading, watching films, learning something new or sudoku. Make a plan for each day in the morning and each week on a Monday.

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You get the feeling that the NHS texter phoned this in more than just in the literal sense. No hotlink either. If you need to be asked to read to use your time, you might be in a degree of trouble, tbh.

Did something unusual for me today - woke early, watched a bit of telly (Sky did a programme on the World Cup in the players own thoughts (Wood was great value), poignant at the end as they remembered Bluey Bairstow) and nodded off in front afterwards. Woke up and saw a Tales of the Unexpected which I'd never seen before, which given I thought I'd seen them all, is very in-keeping with the show. Van Johnson looks a bit like Danny La Rue. Nodded off again, woke, watched the US Office, nodded off and utterly bizarrely was pulled from the slumber at 1.40pm when my phone went.

That's a pretty poor story, I know, but seven hours start to finish? WTF is going on?

I got my letter yesterday. I am now officially locked down by edict. We also found out today that one of Mrs C's extended family has the virus. Might be an issue with cross-family contact over the last couple of weeks before the crackdown, if I worry about it I could drive myself nuts. Since the sun went in today and outside was a less appealing option, if you don't mind I'll just deal with the imminent headwrecker?

Spoke to the folks earlier - brother has a scratchy throat and headache but that'll be the 'being stuck in the house' thing as he's like me - not a house cat - and being stuck in centrally-heated lockdown is a huge pain, rebreathing house dust and so forth. They are going stir crazy, of course, as is Mrs C here.

Lego-books-tv-and-cooking day for me today and I'm quite pleased at how my kids have turned out - they're typical teens but they are not a peep of trouble, suitably deferent and well-behaved while knowing when they can be cheeky and have a laugh (I'm an easy read, tbh, if I'm cranky, they don't push but I'm generally happy to play the game - no, really, I am). They are the first out and out indoor generation so they're coping well enough - they miss their sports and are already wondering if they'll lose the cricket season but they compensate better than most. I did clean the kitchen a bit as well but I'm doing bits at a time while other stuff is going on. Alexa and I had a singalong while I went as well - 1979 and 1971 were today's years of choice.

The #AloneTogether inserts in the ads are pretty annoying - I think it's the snowfall/windchime music that accompanies it as well as the reminder that death and solitude stalks the land. But more the former.

Stomach a bit more settled today. Didn't have the beer, will rectify in a bit. Stay well
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