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The Lockdown Diary - DAY 130

Posted 18th August 2020 at 23:21 by Cormack
Friday 1 August - DAY 130

Or DAY 1 of Liberation

Recommended listening - The Doors, The End

That'd be an awful twee choice were it not for the fact that it is an absolutely steaming track.

Eyes were done, wore a cap to shield from the glare of the sun afterwards, which then deigned to hide behind some clouds all evening. Saved my giant pupils a bit, though. Did a bit of shopping where I touched things and was in a mixed environment watching club cricket. We won, an excellent show in the field being at least one substantial difference between the two sides.

As I'm nominally out of shielding, I'll call time on the diary - I dare say I'll put the odd epilogue-type post in as this virus isn't giving up. If you've been reading, I hope it wasn't too much of a bore - you lived it, every day isn't gold.

Stay well
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Mister Logic's Avatar
I read every word. Felt a bit voyeurish at times, but none the worse for that. Stay well yourself, C.
Posted 20th August 2020 at 18:03 by Mister Logic Mister Logic is online now
Cormack's Avatar
Since I knowingly put it up, ML, that would make me an exhibitionist, then...

I keep a diary of sorts when I commute, usually regarding the people around me (can't remember if I ever put the Horse Whisperer on here but I think I did in the Last Post thread) so this replaced that and also was potentially a mental hole for us all to fall into and I don't mind admitting that there were a few times I all but did - 70 days an inmate when you aren't a house cat is tough taters.

If I could take the one plus out that I wouldn't have gone near otherwise, it's that I fell back in love with baking. I have a clutch of staples now that I have down to a fine art having honed them over the lockdown. Didn't realise how much I'd missed it, even had a day where I knocked out a full set of Sunday tea items.

Will still pitch an epilogue sporadically, I think - I'm free to move about a bit but it hasn't gone away, after all...
Posted 21st August 2020 at 03:33 by Cormack Cormack is online now
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