The Lockdown Diary - DAY 71
Posted 3rd June 2020 at 08:51 by Cormack
I am comfortable with the title. I know I am now more 'loosely bolted down' but nothing just ended, it's a slight evolution.
Woke up to an unusual sensation of aching muscles in my calves. Quite simply, I have atrophied. I don't have the mentality to do pointless (to me) repetitive exercise, it needs to have a goal, figuratively and to a degree literally. I couldn't walk on a treadmill for even a couple of minutes but I could walk all day in changing scenery where all your senses are at play.
I haven't walked anywhere outdoors in ten weeks and I'm 52. You get to ache pretty quickly, there's even a thread in the Whippet in its honour. My calves burn and I am ever so grateful for it. The shoulder pain that has progressed has eased off for the slight pendulum action of walking (that is an 'L") and mentally, I've got a route of declutter and of a general lift. One out a day. The dog has taken to my side again all but exclusively in rest, we are colegas in exercise once more.
I make no apology therefore...
Recommended listening - Blur, Parklife
It's no Quadrophenia, of course, but very much apt.
A good day in other matters as well. Broke the back of a tedious piece of work, couple of pleasant dial-ins, sea bass curry for tea and the end of the Miracle. True to form, there was one last turn in the road for the book and a colleague of mine who retires imminently has taken a copy on the strength of a second hand discussion with me - it seems it's the sports book that either everyone has read or has meant to read but not got around to it, and he and I were in the second such group. He'll love it. A truly amazing story.
Now reading Ben Ryan's Sevens Heaven about his time in charge of the Fijian rugby sevens. An excellent start.
Stay well
Woke up to an unusual sensation of aching muscles in my calves. Quite simply, I have atrophied. I don't have the mentality to do pointless (to me) repetitive exercise, it needs to have a goal, figuratively and to a degree literally. I couldn't walk on a treadmill for even a couple of minutes but I could walk all day in changing scenery where all your senses are at play.
I haven't walked anywhere outdoors in ten weeks and I'm 52. You get to ache pretty quickly, there's even a thread in the Whippet in its honour. My calves burn and I am ever so grateful for it. The shoulder pain that has progressed has eased off for the slight pendulum action of walking (that is an 'L") and mentally, I've got a route of declutter and of a general lift. One out a day. The dog has taken to my side again all but exclusively in rest, we are colegas in exercise once more.
I make no apology therefore...
Recommended listening - Blur, Parklife
It's no Quadrophenia, of course, but very much apt.
A good day in other matters as well. Broke the back of a tedious piece of work, couple of pleasant dial-ins, sea bass curry for tea and the end of the Miracle. True to form, there was one last turn in the road for the book and a colleague of mine who retires imminently has taken a copy on the strength of a second hand discussion with me - it seems it's the sports book that either everyone has read or has meant to read but not got around to it, and he and I were in the second such group. He'll love it. A truly amazing story.
Now reading Ben Ryan's Sevens Heaven about his time in charge of the Fijian rugby sevens. An excellent start.
Stay well
Total Comments 2
Knew you'd like Miracle, over the years I've recommended it to every sporting bookworm I know, though that's not an enormous group of people, to be honest.
I'm currently re-reading Stramash by Daniel Gray, which is about the teams and places of lower-league Scottish rubbish. The cover picture tells you all you need to know.. |
Posted 3rd June 2020 at 14:41 by Mister Logic |
I've nearly picked that up a couple of times, ML, but have managed to not convince myself. Next round, I reckon, then...
Posted 4th June 2020 at 23:18 by Cormack |
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